• +237677501451
  • sirdepcameroon@sirdep.org
  • Ntarinkon Bamenda
Milestones of our 2022 Actions

Milestones of our 2022 Actions

The activities carried out in 2022 were based on the approved plan and available financial and material resources. It was quite challenging with insecurity and financial uncertainty. Sensitizations were carried out on availability of relief aid reaching 2,807 persons in Bamendankwe, Alatening, SIRDEP office, SIRDEP entrepreneurship center, and rural Mankon. Through our referrals, 61 persons were supported with food items, light shelter items and cash for Income Generating Activities (IGAs). In view of building a data base of needy persons, 149 persons (97 females/52 males) have been identified while carrying our various activities.

Sensitization and training on backyard gardening continued with 63 farmers (to add to 54 last year) sensitized and profiled, out of which 45 were supported this year. With the knowledge acquired there has been an increase in vegetable production (from 15kg before to more than 25kg huckle berry) on the same piece of land.

To improve economic independence, 9 new Village Saving and Loan (VSL) groups were created in Bamenda II. The groups each have membership ranging from 18 to 25 with at least 80% being female. Refresher training was organized on the VSL model with 47 representatives from 26 groups in attendance. The training gave them an in-depth understanding of the VSL modules and they are using the knowledge to fill in the gaps they had in running their groups. They save and borrow amongst themselves to improve on the economic viability.

Two hygiene promotion trainings involving 15 participants were carried out in Bamendankwe and Alatening. Monitoring indicated that the promoters have sensitized 120 individuals in the communities. The sensitization has brought about behavioral changes as they demonstrate good hygiene practices in keeping their communities clean and sorting of household waste before disposal.

In commemoration of international day of the woman 2022 with the theme “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” a sensitization was carried out with pupils and teachers of Greenlight Bilingual Nursery and Primary School (GBNPS). This motivated them to take up a discussion on rape as their theme for debate at the 2022 end-of-year graduation ceremony. Four GBV cases were identified in communities and offered psychosocial support and some referred to more competent institutions.

In order to improve the knowledge of communities on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, 86 community members were sensitized on climate change and measures to mitigate its effects. In this light, 300 trees were planted in the Bamendankwe community forest and they will contribute to mitigating climate change effects and also provide a good source of water.

Some community members were also sensitized on the importance of promoting conservation farming through apiculture and utilization of household compost and organic manure to increase production. Also, 9 farmers were assisted with bee hives and boots for apiculture practice. In commemoration of 2022 World Environment Day with theme “Only one Earth” forest regeneration activities were carried out in two communities. In all, 1500 trees were planted in 3 water catchments area, 2 in Bamendankwe and 1 in Alatening.  During the tree planting, forest management committees was setup in Bamendankwe while hoping to do same in Alatening in the future. The committee members were enthusiastic about the catchment protection and requested for more trees to be planted in other catchment areas in their communities.

Partner organisations of Bread for the World in Anglophone Cameroon were supported with various capacity needs as they express them. The support has gone a long way in improving the capacities of these organisations in Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. 

The Board of Directors of SIRDEP has been very active to ensure that the organization continues to function within prescribed standards and procedures. They did this through the holding of meetings to orientate management action at all times.

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